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Creating custom tables



User can create custom tables with definite parameters, such as width, presence or absence of some columns, as well as filters and sorting. If any of created tables with custom parameters is required constantly for the output on different screens, or on the contrary, it is required rarely, but with fixed parameters exactly, the user can save a table form and call it by means of the special menu.


For making this, click right mouse button on the field of the table frame and select ""Save Template" or "Save Template as…"  in the shortcut menu.




(This function is also available from Main menu in "Frame" section).


Special form assigned for working with tables will appear:




Type the name in the upper window under which the table will be saved in the database.

Type the headline in the lower window, under which this table will come up in the headline with and click "OK".


After that user can call this custom table any time.